Sunday 21 March 2010


We found the perfect piece of music for out opening sequence, so we emailed the artist.
This is a copy of the email:

I'm Dominique, a media student from Harris Academy in the UK currently in the process of completing my coursework for my AS level qualification.
This requires me to produce a film opening. For the film opening I require a piece of music to go with my work, matching the genre etc. I have found the perfect piece.

Cutting to the chase, would it be possible for me to use your guitar piece called "The Clap"?
I am not allowed to include any copyrighted material in my coursework unless given permission to do so. I do not intend to use the piece to gain any sort of income/profit or monetary advantage.

This piece of music fits perfectly with my coursework and I would greatly appreciate being able to use it in my work. All credits go to Steve Howe for the music.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Dominique Alexander.

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